Also Combine scanner in the back with new decals on it.” “Same models in front, with the guy in the back being a newly designed Elite unit.“Canals screenshot, allegedly cropped to prevent story spoilers.”.“Possible Cremator remake from the Half Life 2 Beta.”.“Warning sign with Combine language writing.”.“New error model for Source 2, thinner lettering.”.Alongside each photo posted is a small caption providing additional context. While it’s unclear how these assets were obtained, the images featured in the post appear to be legit. While information regarding the prequel/sequel hybrid remains scarce, yesterday The Valve News Network dropped a handful of never-before-seen screenshots supposedly showing off a variety of new enemies and locations.

The first of three upcoming VR titles currently in development by Valve, the company promises the Half-Life: Alyx will set a new standard for modern VR gaming, offering players a visceral immersive experience unlike anything available at the moment. This March Half-Life: Alyx will make its highly-anticipated debut on VR headsets, marking the first official release of a Half-Life game in 13 years. *UPDATE : The following screenshots were first leaked by Valve News Network and not TheJQKTeam as previously reported.* Thanks.Take a look at some of the baddies you’ll be facing in Valve’s upcoming Half-Life VR game. I've never bothered to re-install all my games onto one steam, lol. Then when I bought Half-Life 2 I made a mistake and installed steam again in a different location. When I first installed steam a few years ago it was to install Counter-Strike. Screenshots are saved in \Steam\SteamApps\yourusername\half-life 2\hl2\screenshots - MattyDienhoff 02:12, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

Anyone know where they're saved to? Or will I have to go through the manual process of using "Print-Screen"? Sykotic 12:59, 25 November 2008 (UTC) In the console it says it saves them to a folder called "screenshots" but I cannot find any such folder in my game folder. But before I can add images I need to be able to find screenshots I take in Half Life 2. In the next few days I want to start working on improving and probably even re-writing alot of the Chapter Walkthroughs, as alot of them are very brief in explanations and lack images. Forums: Index > Where are screenshots saved?