Fallout 3 reillys rangers
Fallout 3 reillys rangers

They are over to the side of the cafeteria area with a lot of super mutants. Other than that, it’s a standard clearing mission until you get to the stairs. There are a lot of rooms lining the hallways, so it’s easy to get ambushed.Īs a side note, just about each room has a first aid kit with some stimpaks, so it’s worth your time to explore a bit. Stay alert when turning corners and watch the sides. Just go around with a hunting rifle or whatever your weapon of choice is to blow away all the super mutants. I only saw normal mutants and super mutant brutes in the hospital. There will be leveled super mutants in this area, although they should still be on the weak end of the spectrum. Go up to the doors and head inside Our Lady of Hope. The streets should actually be clear and the hospital is in plain sight down the right side of the road. Just follow through the standard subways until you pop out in Vernon square. You should still have the series of waypoints on the map. If you listened to Reilly, then you know that the only way to get to The Statesmen Hotel is through a few subway stations. If you’re somewhat well armed, I would just wait. You can swing by the Ranger Compound now if you want some supplies, but there isn’t much worth getting. They brilliantly decided to charge to the top of a large building with no escape route. It seems that her team was attacked by super mutants while mapping the ruins. Either way, once she’s up you can talk to her about what’s going on. You might want to stick to convincing Barrows, since he seems to have better luck. Note that doing it yourself seems to have a chance to cripple her, which makes her character have a limp for the rest of the game. You can also convince Doctor Barrows to do it by passing a speech check. If you have Medicine above 60, then you can do it yourself. There’s a girl called Reilly who is unconscious on a bed inside the medical clinic.

fallout 3 reillys rangers

You need to go into Underworld and visit Doctor Barrows. It seems that they’re pinned down and need assistance. If you tune into the channel, you’ll hear a special distress signal from Reilly’s Rangers.

fallout 3 reillys rangers

You will definitely hear the signal on your way to Underworld in the Museum of History. The quest should officially start when you pick up a radio signal around the capital. It all starts with just a simple message on the radio.

fallout 3 reillys rangers

You’ll get to take part in a full scale attack on a super mutant position, get a lot of free supplies from a hospital, and get a set of amazing armor that will serve you for most of the game. Reilly’s Rangers will take you into the biggest battle outside of the main quest.

Fallout 3 reillys rangers